Urban recovery of Milan’s “connected warehouses” as an inclusive economic-social process

Wisdom Living is an urban project that invests the quadrant of Milan north of Loreto, on the right side of the elevated railway of the Central Station, which includes the areas of Pasteur, Rovereto and Turro, renamed in recent years as “Nolo”.
The project aims at the reuse of one of the largest and most unknown “buildings” in Milan, currently almost completely unused and forgotten, named Magazzini Raccordati. The warehouses extend under the tracks of Milan Central Station, along via Ferrante Aporti and Sammartini. This “building” is made up of more than 120 warehouses, of different sizes, for a total of 40,000 square meters, connected in their innermost part by two long tunnels where once ran underground tracks used as the first freight yard.
In recent years, the warehouses have found a little new life at the beginning of Via Ferrante Aporti with some rooms used as exhibition spaces by the Fuorisalone.
Wisdom Living aims to reuse all the spaces along Via Ferrante Aporti with the aim of creating an axis of services that include exhibition spaces, farms and businesses, widespread health care and a community center, all aimed at the neighborhood.
The Wisdom Living model can be repurposed anywhere in the city using existing structures such as neighborhood markets, or disused buildings. The re-proposal of the wisdom living model in several parts of the city creates a widespread network of neighborhood services and business incubators aimed at any age group, even the elderly.